JS/Vue & API Services: I have created and patented a new technique for API distribution
called "State Tag Applications". Using this architecture I am able to connect HTML tags to a data
center API. This is a powerful new way for subscribers or affiliates to interact with any API
enabled data center. I have published this public repository:
PHP/Laravel: Laravel is currently my preferred PHP framework. I have written many Laravel
packages, and contributed to others. While most Laravel developers think it is an MVC Framework, I
recognize that it is in fact a package based Event Service Bus and that MVC is just one of many
service components.
ORM: This is an area where I am particularly strong and I greatly enjoy the ongoing
development process. The art of crafting and scoping is not only satisfying, but essential for the
stable development of additional features and software modifications.
DB: I have worked extensively with relational databases such as MySql, as well as key/value
systems such as Redis. I have also used large doc-store DBs including Casandra and Mongo.
Linux/Bash: In my role as the lead developer of a large digital sign network, stable task
automation was key to avoiding hands on maintenance and keeping costs down. After completing the initial
rollout, I was responsible for securing, maintaining, upgrading, and monitoring approximately 265
digital signs across Canada.
Although I am not particularly passionate about this field, I have administered a wide variety of
infrastructures and deployment pipelines: from package based builds and git servers, to auto-scaling
serverless functions, to nation wide digital sign networks.
Basically, I know how to do all this stuff out of necessity.
BoneCreative.com — Decades
Project Consultant & Developer
StateTagApps.com — 2020 to Present
Technology Strategist & Developer
TrafficJam.io — 2017 to 2019
Technology Strategist & Developer
CTR.com / Clixxa.com — 2016 to 2017
Software Developer
CourseController.com — 2014 to 2016
Software Developer
PriceLine Partner Network — 2012 to 2014
Software Developer
I am currently studying Rust & Solana.